Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!



有睇開我blog0既友人應該知道我手持2手65. 盈保今日收3.625, 2000股, 即7,000蚊鬆d, 相對買入價2.975, 叫做有d執下 (史兄小心...8月結算!!!).

表面上, 我好似賺0左dd... 但其實不一定. 事關盈保0係過去兩個幾月瘋狂0甘做sbb (share buy back), 涉及0既資金同股票話多唔多, 少唔少. 但如果連埋做錯數&賣盤單0野一齊去睇, 可能會有唔少得著.

盈保單0野好似係中ifsa 39. 就我所知, 事件除0左搞到蕃薯上壹仔大版之外, 對公司0既financial impact 係零!! 據報, 有關"失誤"同how to define investment asset有關, 簡單d講, 即入p&l 定落b/s; 而有關決定0既discretion 好大情度取決於board of directors; 又以蕃薯0既智慧同experience, 唔知有關安排0既機會接近零 (知道如何operate 作別論); 所以有關的選擇同取態, 多少reveal 0左楷哥0既choice. 但reveal d 乜同幾多, 我唔敢firm 住, 要先問問會計A 、同金管C ("左丁山"法)有關p&l 同b/s 0既 operation.


1年之內 多番sbb (leading to 高share price --- face value) + 谷高b/s (放棄p&l) + 空穴來風的賣盤... ...

學老夫子話齋, 耐人尋味是也


Anonymous Anonymous said...

是 HKAS 39 and to a certain extent internal control weaknesses la

12:07 am


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