Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!


UK - day 4

And so it goes on ... ...

Day 4 is a little special. Unlike the past 3 days when I have only one appointment per day, today, I need to visit 2 patches of different insurers; one from the Lloyd's, the other from the P&I market. Of course you guys won't be interested in their operation, I am sure, but they do have one thing in common (perhaps that applies to the whole UK or even Western Civilization) --- they are heavy drinkers.

The volume of beer / wine they consume is terribly huge (from my perspective), 10 pints per meal are the standard, I were told, and as a gesture of "good-will" or as a respect of culture, I need to follow suits, though to a lesser extent (but the amount I took were already "substantial" to a green drinker like me). Believe it or not, my observation is that alcohol prioritizes first followed by English jokes and speeches (which are qutie unique) with the dumping food, being the less demanded consumables, drawing the line.

The schedule of Thu will be a duplicate of Wed -- lunch with the Lloyd's markets and dinner with the P&I Club --- and I am quite sure that I will be asked (pretend) to drink again.

And so it goes on ... ...


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