Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!



0係 West End, 找到了點點的的回憶

但... ... 同時掉了麵包超人 (I am so sorry about that)


It's always a good idea to have a retreat or simply leave yourself idle while you are too tired of something.



1. 永遠0係句尾加 "isn't it"

2. 永遠先讚後彈 i.e. that folk is so lovely, but dun you find him a little bit (adj. deg.)

3. 學識講天氣 i.e. Oh~~, the weather is lovely, isn't it?

4. 即使係人地做錯事, 都要講 I am sorry <-- 令人更難堪?

5. 講0野時要間中摵下眉 and 側下面; 男士可以手指指

6. 習慣一日三酒 --- 午/下午/夜晚 (min. 2 pints per sessions)


如何"扮"一個法國人 (正確點係有色巴黎人)

粗暴對待任何non-white, i.e. 好像曾x梓對聞煮黨0甘


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