Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!


Cambridge / Paris

And so it goes on... ...

I nearly get sucked in London and Paris... ...

1. there is a change in time in London on Sun 26 Mar 2006 and I nearly missed my Eurostar to Paris. Fortunately, the train got sucked due to engine problem

2. Riot in France.... Holy Shit!!! so lucky that I can get rid of Paris on schedule, or otherwise, I will be in GREAT GREAT GREAT trouble


a. France is struggling and should there be no change in its system (policy/attitude..etc.), she will finish soon... afterall one shouldn't be too pround of her glorious past

b. "There's something about Mary" (I watched this again coincidentally).... where is my dear Mary? Probably she has gone and found someone else....poor me

c. Never be alone in France, its so lonely, though I can withstand that.

d. Travel with the HKSAR passport in Euro is so troublesome............fxxking you

e. Heritage in France is as good as can be


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