Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!



《A Libel Landmark 》

The Wall Street Journal Asia. Hong Kong:Oct 13, 2006. p. 12

Column Name: REVIEW & OUTLOOK (Editorial)

Publication title: The Wall Street Journal Asia. Hong Kong: Oct 13, 2006. pg. 12

"... ...

The Law Lords overturned two lower-court rulings, which found against The Journal, and held that the information in the article was in the public interest and had been reported responsibly. "The fact that the judge, with the advantage of leisure and hindsight, might have made a different editorial decision should not destroy the defence," Lord Hoffmann wrote. "That would make the publication of articles which are, ex hypothesi, in the public interest, too risky and would discourage investigative reporting."

In his opinion, Lord Bingham described The Journal as an "unsensational" newspaper, a charge to which we plead guilty. While the Jameel ruling won't matter much to Britain's tabloid press, it is likely to influence how "quality" newspapers go about investigative reporting. As another Law Lord, Baroness Hale, put it: "We need more such serious journalism in this country and our defamation law should encourage rather than discourage it."

... ..."

這個court case 幾得意, 記者會的某某應該會大做其文章. 下次public libel 有allegation時, 原訟人可能有難. 拭目以待拭目以待.


"The ruling should echo throughout the British Commonwealth, including in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and -- dare we hope? -- Singapore. While Commonwealth countries now mostly have their own courts of final appeal, they still look to the Law Lords for guidance in interpreting the common law. Thanks to their Lordships, the world just got a little freer."

AWJ 果然唔怕死, 0岩0岩先同 Jameel打完官司, 0甘快又去撩d坡佬. 但AWJ 唔同安迪. xie, 唔使"瀉"d坡佬 (波妹就唔sure), 話晒佢地太上皇出晒名祟英. 哈哈哈~~~~~~

又, 其實唔要個"and" 都得. 畢竟我地背靠祖國, 國情為上.


星島今日好似有份號外, 講07股市.

呢份0野我越睇越覺得唔對路, d用字、造句、排版熟口熟面, 好似唔知之前0係邊處睇過0甘.

終於, 0係我轉車仔前, 醒起我幾時睇過.


0個d所謂0既稿, 格式、用字、造句同阿屎sir、ken 0者、古裝武俠騎0里怪0個d大同少異, 什麼跟足買一年 賺到笑騎騎 (ibid) , 專家捉到路 唔愁升唔到 (ibid) ... ...




早前說會多鑽研股票, 可惜結果未如理想.

太忙喇, 2 個幾禮拜先勉強叫搞掂1隻, out 晒schedule ... ...

時間有限, 唔係真係想講下1175 呢隻0野.






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