Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!




偶目《Economist》, 不知是巧合還是老編有慧眼, (半)長篇寫philips curve and others. 文章提到 / 帶出幾個issues, 值得細味:-

1. 點解unemployment 同 inflation 呢兩個topics 可以好似男人夢寐以求0既性能力一樣歷久不衰
2. 講philips curve 唔提 milton friedman 是有點那個. 個人認為friedman 應該同e. phelps 一齊share 今年0既nobel prize, particularly 當頌辭一開波(唔係李頌慈開波) 就正名 "The work of Edmund Phelps has deepened our understanding of the relation between short-run and long-run effects of economic policy. His contributions have had a decisive impact on economic research as well as policy. ".

以諾貝爾獎的selection criteria, 佛老絕對可以嬴多一次. 唔信, 請看看friedman 當年的頌辭 :-

"for his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy"

esp. 佛老重多phelps 一番 --- monetary history!!

3. 文章提到globalization 對employment structure 或 NAIRU (拜託唔好問乜係nairu!) 的影響, 指cheap labor 令price structure 同 inflation 等問題變得較以前複雜, 令傳統以cpi 0黎account inflation 0既 paradigm 開始企唔穩. 今日(其實係尋日) Asian Wall Street Journal 0既editorial 指出美帝 0既tax revenue 近年拜globalization 所賜而急升(應該係因為out-sourcing 令成本dur 皮0既原故), 間接/直接支持住 American Great Challenge (budget deficit). 結果出現(短期?) 0左低通脹低失業0既現象. 當然文章作者冇提 (可能因証據不足) 由始產生出0黎0既 hot money / cheap money 對全宇宙金融市場0既影響.



美國決心封殺on-line gambling, 《Economist》認為此舉會加快美國on-line gambling 合法化, 理由如下:-

1. internet 無弗遠近
2. 英國已著手合法化
3. 1&2 只會令美國公司出手收購英國on-line gambling 0既公司, 谷肥d i-banker.
4. 肥水流去別人田 (唔好搞錯, 唔係毛記不日上演0個套《肥田》)
5. 死死氣legalize �



諗下諗下, 其實《money master》呢本書都幾搞鬼. 入面d 金錢怪物令我諗起《Gloomy Sunday》入面0個個仆街上校 --- 明明從事污穢不堪0既交易, 但0係吹捧下卻成了"英雄" (最後會否得劇中人物結局則不得而知)

當一件事去得太盡太perfect 0既時候, 就係時間諗諗世界上有冇0甘perfect 0既0野, 0甘大隻蚧?隨街跳.



中午去銀行搞事. 唔知係我詞不達意定係點, 我連續問teller 姐姐紅簿仔同integrated account 0既收費有冇分別, 佢一味識答"只要你全個integrated account有多過兩萬蚊資產, 呢個簿仔account 冇錢都得, 但銀行方面, 可能會每個月收你行政費."

當我唔耐煩話剪0左本簿後, 佢二話不說, 引刀成一快, 手起刀落, chap chap chap 三聲, 我0個陪0左我10幾年0既戶口就0甘從世間上消失.



今天偷懶, 唔讀書.


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