Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!



真係欲罷不能. Reserve Bank of New Zealand 尋日 send 0左呢個message 俾我. 唔知贈慶定搞對抗(當然梗係有0甘0岩), 竟然0係 e. phelps 得獎, phillips curve 準備再受靶0既時候, 搞個0甘0既symposium, 真係幽默.

當然, 0個symposium 可能 focus on frontier research, 講0下nairu, 講0下 high frequency econometrics, 講0下whatever... ...

話時話, nz 過去7、8年經濟真係有聲有色. 唔知係咪真係 inflation targeting 0既原故呢? 詳情有待經濟學者去研究. 我齋睇、齋聽、齋talk同 cut & paste


The following press release was issued on behalf of the 2008 Phillips Symposium Committee a short time ago:

2008 Phillips Symposium Committee

Date 11 October 2006, 9.30am


Celebrating a unique Kiwi inventor

Tonight Dr Alan Bollard will give a presentation on the remarkable Kiwieconomist, AWH (Bill) Phillips. The presentation previews the Symposium"Markets and Models: Policy Frontiers in the AWH Phillips Tradition"that will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, 9-11 July 2008. The year2008 marks the 50th anniversary of Bill Phillips' most famous work, the Phillips Curve.

Dr Bill Phillips became well-known as an economist in 1958, when hepublished his influential work, on the relationship between inflation and unemployment, illustrated by the Phillips Curve. He regarded his1958 article (a "wet weekend's bit of work") as of only passing interest. Nevertheless, the 1958 article led to a re-shaping of macroeconomic policy for decades.

Bill Phillips' career embraced more than just the curve that carried hisname. His work also embraced economic modelling including the famous MONIAC machine (dynamic model of a working economy), stabilisation policy, econometrics, economic dynamics and economic development.

The 2008 Symposium is a collaboration between the annual New ZealandAssociation of Economists (NZAE) conference and the Econometric Society Australasian Meeting (ESAM).

Attracting the world's top economists, the symposium will place Phillips' work in the context of the history of economic thought, and will present the latest frontier work on economic theory, modelling and analysis.


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