Prediction does not count; Building the Ark does!



可能有人會覺得我白癡, 話我唔識/唔知經濟學係乜. 但我真係好佩服M. Friedman, 係五體投地0個種! 佛老本price theory 係我睇過0既econ texts 之最.

除0左games, capital theory (個人認為係econ 中最湛深的學問)、monetary theory 同 theory of consumption 0既backbone 都可以0係price theory 入面搵到它的精要所在.

將price theory 入面d文字, 加d maths, 加d stochastic elements, 你會發現好多0野似曾相識 (at least for me).

這是我第五次睇呢本書了. 越睇越驚, 越睇越開心... ...


"isaac's "conjecture"":

the more precise you forecast a parameter, the less precision you will have for that parameter.


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